Ȩ › ›
ۼ : 15-05-10 11:30
'5 , ֹ Ҹ'(5 17)
 ۾ : ƽþƹ
ȸ : 7,440  

[5 , ֹ Ҹ]  


αȭ ø ǥϴ ֱÿ ϴ ֹε αǵ÷μ ֿ  ϰ ? ֳ뵿, ֿ ܱ л ֿ ϸ鼭 Ҹ ̾߱ ִ ڸ Ͽ αǵ÷μ ϰ, ذå ãƺ Ѵ. 518 ƽþ ū ⿩ Ͽ, ֹε ϴ α 캽ν ǻ αǵ÷μ ѳ Ѵ.  


Ͻ : 5 17() 1 3

ְ : Ϲȹȭ, ƽþƹü

Ŀ : ֱ, бп ƽþƹ, Ҹ, 빫 湫, ֹΰǰŸ  


518 Ұ ڷ

ֿ ϴ ֹε鿡 518 Ұϴ ڷḦ Ͽ

5 17Ź ε帮 ߾

ֿ ư鼭 ֹ , ֽùε տ ߾ ·

, , Ƿ

Ͽ 忡

ֹε ڱ Ͽ

ҿ ԰ ; ֹε ڱ ֹε Բ Ͽ Ļ  


3 : ְ ü , ȹ   4 : 518 Ұ ڷ

5 17 : 5 , ֹ Ҹ(12 , 1 ߾, 2 )  

5. غ

518 Ұ ڷ

Ʈ, ī, ̾Ḷ, į, , ε׽þ, ۶󵥽þ, ʸ, , ߱(10)

ο - ڷ , οľ, ǥ, ǥ , 뿪  غ

- κ(бп ƽþƹ, п )

- ű(ȣ, Ҹ)              - (, 빫 湫 ǥ)

- ̿(ǻ, ֹΰǰŸ)    - ټ(Ϲȹȭ )

- (ƽþƹü )

35ֳ 518 'ƽþ ֹ Ҹ'  

Ͻ: 2015 5 17 1~3

: ݳΰ(ݳ 4 1)   

ѱ ִ ָ ̹ ø. ġ ̰, ȭ Ư ִٴ ̴.  

ִ ѱ 翡 Ͽ. ѱ ȭ  ȹ ȯ Ǿ 518 ̴.  

1979 ̲ , ȯ űμ Ϸ Ͽ. ̿ ε Ǹ 䱸ϸ鼭 űμ¿ ݴϴ Ͽ.  

1980 5 18 б л б տ ȭӰ ϰ ־. ׷ űμ ϱ ֿ δ븦 ġϿ.  

δ л ſ Ȥؼ л װų ƴ. Ÿ ִ ùε տ ̷ Ȥ . ùε ΰ ϰ Ǿ.  

ᱹ ùε л Բ ϰ Ǿ. ̿ ε ¿ ֿ ö Ͽ. ִ ڱ ° Ǿ.  

ε ֿ ö ִ ° Ǿ ̷ ߻ߴ. ̳ 濡 ִ Կ Ż Ͼ ʾҴ.  

ȥ Ͼ ùε ǿ Ƹٿ ü . ׸ ٽ ؿ Ϳ Ͽ ùα . 5 18 10ϸ 5 27 ùα Ȥϰ ߴ.  

׷ ׺ 䱸ϴ ϰ ο ùε ؾ մϴ. ǰ ƴ ޾Ƶ̴ ϴ Դϴ.  

ùα ο򿡼 ᱹ £ ̱ Դϴ. ùα ޽ 츮 θ ׿, 鿡 ŵ 󸶳 Ȥ , ׸ ŵ å Դϴ.  

ڽŵ ֿ ū Ǽ ٴ ݰ, ΰε鿡 θ Ѱܾ ߽ϴ. ᱹ ִ ѱ翡 踦 ߰ Դϴ.  

迡 ùε ־ ù ƽϴ. ֽÿ ֽùε ڶ Դϴ.  

ֿ ֱ л, ֳ뵿 ȥ پ 󿡼 ؿ ֽϴ. ֹε ׵ Ȱ Ұϰ Ǵ ʿϰ ް ֽϴ.  

ֹ е ܱ ؿԴٴ Ұϰ ް ִٰ Ѵٸ ̴ αħԴϴ. ̷ αħذ ִٸ 񿡰 ֽø ͵帮ڽϴ. ִ ô αǵԴϴ. ׷Ƿ ̵ ϵ ü ߹޾ƾմϴ.  

츮 ǥ ϰ ϰڴٴ Ű Դϴ. ׷ 츮 ȸ ϰ ϰ ϴ Դϴ.  

츮 ֹ е ũ Ȯ Ҹ ͽϴ. ׸ ָ ü е մϴ. 

մϴ.                                           35ֳ 518 ȸ  



'Asian Migrant's voice'  

When: 17 May 2015 1~3p.m.

Where: GeumNam-ro Park(GeumNam-ro 4th street station entrance number 1)  

When anyone in Korea think of Gwangju, it' comes up with two separate images politically and culturally. Traditionally, Gwangju has been known to be the town of justice and the authentic Korean foods.  

Gwangju had played a pivotal role which shaped Korea as of today. It's being called as 'Gwangju Citizens' Uprising' which was the turning point for the Democratizing movements in contemporary history of Korea.  

When the new military regime under Gen. Chon Doo Hwan took over the government after a death of Gen. Park Chung Hee a leader of former military regime, the people in Korea hold the protest rallies against the new military regime nationwide for freedom and democracy. 

May 18 of 1980, the students of Chonnam National University held the protest rally in front of the University peacefully. The new military regime dispatched the special armed troops to Gwangju for cracking down the protest rallies on the streets.  

The way of cracking down on student's rally was so brutal that some of students were killed right on the spot and so many students were injured. By standing citizens on the streets at that time watching the brutal scenes and they couldn't believe their eyes what was happening right in front of them. After all, they witnessed the collapse of human dignity.  

The citizens joined the students and it led to the citizens' uprising citywide eventually. When the military was shocked to learn that whole citizens in town are uprising, they withdrew their troops from the city. Suddenly the town became a vacuum of law and order. 

What had happened in the city after the military withdrew their troops from city and no existence of law and order in the big city was truly the most extraordinary things and stories you have never seen or heard before. No looting the stores not even a small Mom & Pop stores in the alley or any financial institutions like bank.

Instead of chaos, the citizens built a beautiful community helping each others sharing the bloods and foods, and they even formed the militia to keep the town from the government's troops for retaking over the city. It's been gone for 10 days until the government's troop's brutal attack.  

However, you must remember the militia that trying to defend the city refused the ultimatum which demanded surrender without any conditions from the military government. That's the Spirit of Gwangju refusing to accept the injustice.   

Lost the battle but won the war in the end. That's what happened in Gwangju. The final message of the militia was "Kill us all and show to the whole world how barbaric you are and take that burden with you to the rest of your life."  

The military government realized they have made a big mistake in Gwangju and had to hand their government to civilian a few years later. After all, Gwangju is the final station of stopping the military domination in Korea.  

There were people's uprising throughout the world, however, you can hardly find the people's uprising like Gwangju Citizens' Uprising. That's what the special about this city and the citizen of this city are being proud of.   

The new members of our community have been arrived recently from various part of the world for school, work or through the marriage recently. We realized some of them are experiencing the difficulties inevitably or unnecessarily in their daily lives.  

If you think you are unfairly treated because of you are from oversea or a kind of treatment you got was a violation of Human Rights, please, tell us. We would like to help you, if there is any. The city you are living is the City of Human Rights. Hence, regardless who you are and what you are deserving to be treated as it said.  

Our goal is to keep our city it's promise to treat equally evryone, so every member of our community could live comfortably and safely. 

Hope we would like to hear your many voices loud and clear and also expect your collaboration to make our city better together.         Thank you.

